Thursday, December 18, 2008
New Project for Blog
Hi guys, I have been busy over the past few weeks and because of that my blog updates have suffered BUT..... I have been organizing a cool new step-by-step project with another talented artist, More will be posted soon about the project in the next few days. Stay tuned
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Thank You from Sesame Workshop

I recently recieved a note that on the Sesame Workshop facebook page I was mentioned for my donations I have been making to Sesame workshop. Thank you Carrie and I look forward to donating more in the near future. Check it out here . Have a great day all
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Deciding on new puppet to show building process
Hi all - I am currently deciding what I should do for my next step by step building blog. Should I make a cute little girl monster or a human looking boy? Let me know what you all think - and I will consider all opinions. Have a great day everyone
Saturday, November 22, 2008
PROJECT PUPPET contest voting open
Villian Puppet Finished
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Oscar the Grouch in my Living room
Photo of maximus
Another puppet design
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Almost finished
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
villian clothing
Fozzie Bear replica

I was going through a box of unfinished puppets and found my Fozzie Bear head - He is one that I really want to finish, but now instead of making him into a puppet I may make him into a poser replica now that Master Replicas seem to have pulled the plug on future Muppet replicas, Mind you I have a LONG list of puppets to get through before I can even think about this - just thought I'd share my thoughts about it on here though.
Villian puppet nearly finished
Well I have spent most of the day making clothes for my villian puppet - he just needs the right buttons now and his outfit is finished. I also added his hair - which I am happy with. I will take some pictures soon - now all he needs is a name . have a great day everyone.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sketch for puppet

Here is the initial sketch I drew for the villian puppet (which was originally going to be an old man as you can see) , I have since changed a few things to his design. Firstly he will no longer have grey hair - I think I am going to give him a dark hairstyle, also he will no longer be wearing a suit and tie, he will be wearing a more evil jacket with large upward collar - kind of like the new Willy Wonka jacket...... I just need to searcg for the right fabrics. Lastly he now has purple bags under his eyes , not flesh toned like in the sketch. Stay tuned.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Ears are on
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Arms attatched
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Lion puppet
Hands and Arms for Villian puppet
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Muppet Whatnots have arrived

They are $90US each, you have three body options - blue,orange and green. There are several choices for eyes and noses etc which you get you pick and choose which one you would lik eyour Whatnot to have. Ok now they seem to be Ok for someone just getting into puppetry or a Muppet collector , But If you have always wanted your own professional puppet i'm afraid these are not what you are looking for. Now here is something I have noticed, the top picture shows the Whatnots when they where advertising before they were released , and the photo below that I from the catalog - there are BIG differences as far as i can see just by looking at the two photos. Number one is that the first puppets seemed to be made from Antron fleece ( the same as the REAL Whatnots) whereas the ones for sale seem to be a different fabric ( seams galore!). Secondly the first photo shows the puppets to have hard mouthplates in them whereas the others seem to maybe have soft foam mouths, and thirdly the eyes and noses seemed in much better proportion to the head than the ones in the catalog photo. Of course this is just my opinion from looking at the photos - hopefully they will be much better in person ( much like thr MR replicas)
Update on puppet
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
How to contact me
Boober Fraggle puppet replica
Hi all, I finished my Boober fraggle some moonths ago - but he ended up in a box with all my other replicas and I forgot about him. Here are a few photos of him - keep in mind that he is not being operated in the photos so they look alittle static. He is a tiny puppet , I like the idea of compact size puppets with great design. I can't wait for the new Fraggle movie - should be awesome.
eyes and eyebrow
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Fleece has been sewn together
Update of man puppet
Ok the next step after all the foam skull has been created is to pattern the skin to cover the skull. I usually use fabric similar to T-shirt material to create the pattern by covering the head and cutting the pattern on the skull. The end result is seem in the photo above, the head is in three sections - left,right and under the chin. Other pieces which will help to make up the head are the ears, nose and neck. More photos soon
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My Muppet replicas

Hi there All, I get ALOT of emails each week ( like atleast 20) of people after Muppet Character puppets. So I thought I would use this Blog to explain to everyone why I don't sell these puppets. The first and most important reason is due to copyright laws - thats the big one, secondly I mainly make Muppet replicas as a hobby - I find them (most of the time) to be a challenge. Everytime I make a replica I find out a new or better way of making a particular part of a puppet. And last of all I don't really want to spend my days creating puppets of someone elses design - I enjoy being able to create original designs and seeing them put to good use. So I hope this explains it alittle better ( and my email is 20 emails less a week now)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

F.A.O.SCHWARZ will soon be selling Muppet whatnots, from what I have seen they look to be pretty good quality. There seems to be three heads to choose from blue, green and orange. I will be very interested to see what these puppets are like up close, to see if they are quality products or just a mass produced items. If my memory serves me correct they will be on sale from 22nd October only at F.A.O.Schwarz
Monday, October 13, 2008

I have decided over the next month to purchase a puppet pattern from and review it here on my blog. I find patterns such as the ones for sale at project puppet the best way for a budding puppet builder to learn the in's and out's of a puppet. I will of course have to find some time to do this , but it should be fun . If you are after a great project with great results check out project puppet and get started on your own puppet - the possibilities are endless.
Also on the workbench is my Oscar the Grouch puppet - just fixing up his internal ribbing. Also building a Nicky puppet (from Avenue Q) . Also in the top photo is a lion puppet.
Puppet Building on my Blog
Hi Everyone, now very shortly ( in the next few weeks) I plan on showing step by step how I make my puppets - I just have to decide what kind of puppet to make , then I will sell the finished product on Ebay. I am thinking of making a little boy monster - but that may change by the time it comes for me to start making the puppet.
Terry Angus puppet on Ebay

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